Welcome to Wheel Strategist!

Wheel Strategist is more than just a title; it’s an homage to the strategy that initially introduced me to options trading in 2017—the Wheel Strategy.

Even today, it remains the foremost strategy I advocate for anyone venturing into the world of options trading.

It’s a strategy that’s not only effective but also simple to understand and execute, making it an ideal starting point for newcomers.

After mastering the Wheel Strategy, you’ll have a solid foundation to explore more advanced options strategies tailored to diverse market conditions and risk profiles.

Investment Strategies

The strategies featured on this site extend beyond the Wheel Strategy.

You’ll also discover advanced trading techniques that equip you with the knowledge to progress to the next level of options trading.

This mirrors my personal journey as well, transitioning from the Wheel Strategy to other techniques like credit spreads, broken wing butterflies, black swan hedges, and beyond.

As the site evolves, you’ll notice a gradual expansion of strategies and analyses in our articles database.

Why “Wheel Strategist” if it covers other strategies?

While I did consider rebranding as I delve into more options strategies, I ultimately decided to stick with ‘Wheel Strategist’.

This is because without the Wheel Strategy, my journey into options trading wouldn’t have begun.

Furthermore, I firmly believe that the Wheel Strategy remains an excellent approach suitable for all investors.

In fact, if you’re buying stocks for investment, leveraging at least the cash-secured put aspect of the Wheel Strategy is advisable.

Risk-First Approach

As a person who despises losing money, you’ll consistently find me discussing risk in all the strategies I plan to trade.

In my view, prioritizing risk should precede any consideration of potential profits.

There’s no sense in earning 5 – 10% monthly only to lose all gains in a day or two due to adverse market conditions.

Hence, unlike many resources online that solely highlight profit potential, I always prioritize addressing the inherent risks that could potentially devastate a portfolio, especially in a black swan event.

Whether you’re a novice trader taking your first steps or an experienced investor seeking to refine your skills, Wheel Strategist is your trusted companion.

Join me as we navigate the dynamic world of options trading, one strategy at a time.

Connect With Me

Join the Wheel Strategist Community

  • Substack: I operate a newsletter titled “Options Optima,” regularly updated with insightful articles aimed at enhancing your understanding of options.
  • X (Formerly Twitter): Follow me on X for insights into my latest trades and bite-sized wisdom on options trading.

I value your feedback and suggestions, which help me continuously improve my website.

If you have any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to submit them through the contact page.


Warmest regards,
Max (The Wheel Strategist)